KDM-81 > 회의 및 동시통역 시스템

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제품명 회의용 마이크 유니트
모델명 KDM-81

▶ Unit-direction condenser microphone: microphone with red ring
   indicator LED, Aluminum Alloy Square or Cylindrical Short Medium
   Rod, Up and down movement angle 50 degrees.

▶ Aluminum alloy panel material on microphone surface, beautiful and
   durable, silver inverted edge and organic glass.

▶ With the 4.0 inch 480X480 color IPS touch display screen menu of
   English, there is showing the meeting information, sate of the
   equipment, conference mode, ID number, speech countdown time,
   speaking time, open or off .

▶ WIFI Internet timemicrophone could be showing correct time when
   host connect to internet.

▶ The microphone has the function of selecting 7 screensavers, and
   after selecting the host menu, the microphone switches uniformly
   without the need for separate settings (batch customizable)

▶ Microphone have service calling: drink, pen or paper, other service,
   host will showing which number microphone calling.

▶ Host could be start fast vote, all results will be showing in host
   display and microphone display.

▶ The microphone unit uses Double switch, an inductive touch switch
   and backup rubber physical switch, touch without mechanical sound,
   rubber physical switch standby background light.

▶ It can display whether the microphone is open in real time.
▶ When the status indicator light is on, the microphone can be opened,
   the microphone can not be opened or applied for speech when status
   indicator light is off.

▶ Professional high fidelity, condenser microphones core, high
   directivity, Speaking distance can reach 10 to 40 cm with clear voice,
   use Intelligent Prevent Noise Processor could be 50cm to 1M.

▶ Digital conference microphone support the third party central control
   for industrial RS232 communication protocol
it can be though central
   control to tracking and ON/OFF.

▶ Inside work with DC24V power by Main machine, It’s safety for users,
   please order power repeater if you need to connect more than 20pcs
   in one cable.

▶ Microphone unit with 3.5MM headphone jack and volume control
   knob for recording and headset.

▶ Microphone could choose RJ45 PORT(RJ45 2M cable*2+RJ45 3 port
   connector) or 8P CONFERENCE PORT(2M+2M conference T connect

▶ Chairman could be shut down delegate, repress Priority Key
   Temporary Silence mute delegate, Release Priority delegate sound
   return back, also Chairman controls the microphone for approving




Input / Output

8P-DIN x 1, RJ45 x 1


Condenser Microphone

Power supply

DC 24V

Current drain




Frequency response

100Hz ~ 10KHz




160 x 110 x 60mm






경기도 부천시 오정구 석천로 397, 101동 909, 910호(부천테크노파크 쌍용3차)
경기도 고양시 일산동구 설문동 783-2
전화 : 032-624-0500팩스 : 032-624-0505이메일 : dhmediatech@hanmail.net
상호 : (주)디에이치미디어테크대표이사 : 신용인사업자등록번호 : 105-87-29128
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